A guide to installing garage double doors
Installing your garage door can be a daunting task, especially if you aren’t used to carrying out home improvement tasks by yourself. However, if you understand how the double width garage doors work and if you have the right tools, you can easily install these double doors. Garage doors double width can be appropriately installed if you follow a few steps.
At first, you need to read the instructions from the manufacturer carefully. This will give you an overview of the installation process. Now, make a list of all the parts that you need. The garage door will include all the necessary components.

Prepare the first panel of the garage door. Now, place the panel carefully in the doorway. The garage double doors must be wide enough. Next, you need to assemble the horizontal, vertical and curved parts of the track according to the instructions. Install the vertical track of the garage door by gently sliding the rollers on the 1st panel. Now, set the 2nd panel carefully on top of the 1st panel.
You must ensure that the track is secured further up in the wall so that it stays correctly attached to the bottom of the panel. Repeat the steps when you are installing additional panels of garage doors double width. Install the curved and horizontal tracks by following the manufacturer’s instructions.
Finishing touches
After installing garage double doors, clean the area properly. Remove the nails and other tools out of the way so that you don’t get hurt when you are using the garage doors double width for the first time. When you are satisfied with the track alignment, tighten all the fasteners. Finally, check the alignment of your garage door. Check if all the rollers are sitting correctly in the tracks and if they are moving freely.
If you follow this guide, you will be able to install garage double doors properly. For projects such as these, you can also enlist the help of a friend/family member and go through some tutorial videos aside from the instruction manual.